Low back pain is the leading cause of disability in the world affecting both the general population and athletes alike. Although most episodes (70-80%) resolve within a few weeks, for up to 30% of people pain can become persistent and disabling.
Here at Summit we use our extended initial appointments to take a detailed history, perform a thorough physical assessment, refer for scanning if required and create a plan on how to resolve the current episode and prevent future occurrences.
For some people this may involve hands on manual therapy, for others management will be focused on an active approach with exercises to help build confidence and strength in your spine.
Other common factors that may be contributing to low back pain include over-bracing through the core and low back muscles, and thus learning to relax these muscles and move more naturally is what’s required to eliminate pain.
If you have low back pain call our Palm Beach Physios on 07 5534 4071 or book an appointment on-line.